Tuesday, May 7, 2013


So a few nights ago while in between laundry in the wee hours I got a wild hair and threw together some top-ten songs lists from three classic acts: David Bowie, The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones. And although it violates the essence of the top-ten list, you'll find the songs in no particular order--that'd be way too hard :) What do you think? 


Soul Love
Five Years
The Man Who Sold The World
Oh, You Pretty Things
John, I'm Only Dancing
Space Oddity
A New Career In A New Town
Sound & Vision


Nowhere Man
I'm Looking Through You
I'll Follow The Sun
Baby, It's You
P.S. I Love You
Mean Mr. Mustard
Her Majesty
In My Life
Free As A Bird


She's A Rainbow
Can't You Hear Me Knockin'
Emotional Rescue
All About You 
Sweet Virginia
Shine A Light
Under My Thumb
Fool To Cry
Beast Of Burden
Time Is On My Side

Sunday, May 5, 2013


I've sworn off the perma-bun forever (this is not entirely realistic, but, I am setting the bar high). What's a "perma-bun", you ask?
perma-bun n.
symptom of new motherhood; haphazard top-knot bun worn morning, noon and night, for days on end; results in soreness to the crown of the wearer's head with the possibility of dreadlocked hair upon removal; temporarily makes postnatal hair-loss "no longer an issue" (until it exacerbates said issue).
Um, yeah, hi. Welcome to my life. I pulled that sucker out last week to discover a h u g e dread (and tumbleweed of fallen-hair); found it in the shower and simultaneously discovered that, it is true, what they say about hair-loss after giving birth. I could not loosen the dread, but I did manage to remove a tremendous amount of hair. After a liter of conditioner, lots of brushing (and several more handfuls of hair), voila, the dread was gone.

I must pause for a digression here, in order to inject some real-time, lovey-dovey cuteness: my son is totally "helping" me blog right now! *ADORABLE*. He's sitting on my lap trying to type, and-- whoops! Little guy just deleted my last line, hey… aaaaand… he just barfed (don't even get me started on the projectile-pooping incident of earlier this morning--too early--still processing that one).

I digress? More like, tangent, yo. That said, Lee is still cuteness personified, spewing and all. "You take the good, take the bad, and there you have…" :) Now, back to the permabun's demise. I definitely did not spend the last five years growing this mane (I'm a Leo *RAWR*) of cascading curls out from a platinum pixie only to hide it away in the lowliest form of updo (that's right, I am also a hairstylist--shame on me!). So I jettisoned the helpful/harmful perma-bun in favor of long and flowing, and I am just lov-- OWWWWWW, Lee. Lee, please release mommy's hai-- OW OW OWWW! *sigh*


                                RIP perma-bun!